Wednesday, June 6, 2007

A little bit 'o everything.

I have been one busy little bee since this my last post. I finished up the flannel blanket border for my best friend's baby boy. It turned out absolutely adorable (tooting my own horn)! Here is a picture.

There are little green giraffes and hearts embroidered on the flannel. I bought it at Joann's on sale of $1.99/yd!!! I was excited about that deal! The yarn is Lion Brand Homespun in Spring Green. I used my NEW Jimbo hook (size L - I think...) *Side note - he has an auction going on right now for a new hook - go check it out - click Jimbo's name above) Here is a picture of my Fantabulous hook!

The picture really doesn't do it justice - so much fun to work with!!

Also, I got to test a square pattern called Get Squared from Pretty_Bug01 at the Ville. Here is how it turned out!

Cute pattern and it didn't take long to whip up!

And then (I know there's more...I can see you getting on the edge of your seat) a lady at work today gave me a garbage bag full of yarn that she wanted to get rid of!!!! WOW!!! I am not exaggerating when I say garbage bag either. I even took a picture of all the yarn that I got. Do you wanna see - I know you do!

Calvin wanted to be in the picture too - see his tail? So, I asked myself - what am I going to do with all of this yarn?? (drool is coming out of my mouth right now). It isn't anything great - older yarn (it has that smell) so, nothing fancy. And then I remembered - there was a CAL on the Ville that I loved watching....the goblet of all stash busters - the 3SUB (3 Strand Ugly Blanket). You take three strands of random yarn...and go! When one strand runs out - pick up another - and go! So, I think that is what I am going to do with the loner colors. The colors that have potential - I'm going to hang onto!

And finally (at least for my craftiness finally), progress on the 4th of July Boy, Blanket, and Fireworks blanket - I've gotten pretty far!!! Ready, set, picture!
There are currently 8 rows of white on there - so 2 more of those. And then 8 blue. I am hoping that should make it big enough. If not, I'll start going around one row at a time with red, then white, then blue. It's for me, so I'm not as concerned about the details as I normally would be. It's a fun one to make.

So, on a more personal note - because I know everyone gossips about me (wink wink - just kidding!) Mainly because I know that my mom is reading this now (Hi mom! love you!) I may potentially be working on the first part of the blanket (boy). I have a potential date this weekend - as long as he is back from Boston. So, I'm a little excited - not too excited. We'll see how it goes =) Aaahh, the anthology of a single, white, female hahaha!! I'm not crazy - I swear! I just love my yarn!

Until next time, hope you enjoyed all the pictures!


Saturday, June 2, 2007

Calvin's not happy...

Last night I decided to frog the gray cardigan I had been working on. It wasn't coming out to the right size on the directions - it most definitly was going to need more yarn than the directions said. So, I said screw it and frog! After pulling out two and a half skeins - I decided to make my cat, Calvin, an airy spring sweater. He was a good sport, until I finished. Needless to say, he wasn't too happy about it. Here are some pictures of him wearing the sweater...and sulking.

I modified a pattern that I got from here. I used Caron Simply Soft in Mardi Gras. Great yarn to use. I am looking forward to making more from it!
Like my toes in the bottom of that last one? hehe. So, I that should finish another WIP for me. Unfortunatly, I have started not one, but TWO more projects. Julie at the 'Ville is going to have me walking the plank when she gets back. I started Beths Little Star Afghan, but I am making it a big one. I figured it would be nice for my first 4th of July in Pennsylvania. Nothing beats a boy, blanket, and fireworks on the 4th. Now, if I could just work on the boy part.....darn =(. Anyways, here is a picture of my progress. I have 11 rounds done. I think I am going to do 12 red, 10 white, and 8 blue. I think that should be big enough. Keeping my fingers crossed!

I also started working on an edge for a light flannel fabric. This is for my girlfriends little boy. He will be 6 months old on June 11th. So, he has graduated from his new born blanket and needs something that will keep the sun away from his sensitive little skin. Hopefully, this will be done tomorrow.

I started a crochet (and knit but more of a crochet) journal to keep track of what I've done, what I'm doing, WIM, Christmas list, etc. It's nice thus far to have everything in one central spot. Does anyone else do this? If so, do you have a method to the madness - I'd love any suggestions. Mine is pretty primative right now!

On life notes: I am loving my new car! It is so much fun to drive. Definately don't regret this purchase. I was worried that I would regret having a car payment and such - but I do love the new car. Gave me something to be proud of. I'll put pictures up as soon as I can - I promise!

Other than that - life has been relatively normal. Nothing cr
azy exciting - which is welcomed right now. It is nice to have everything a bit calm. I know in a few weeks - it isn't going to be that way when I am moving. Grrrr - I absolutly hate moving.

Well - until next time - here is one more pic of my man Calvin.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

First felting project

Well, has it been an exciting few days!! I will start with craft related topics - and then move on the miscellaneous life stuff.

So, I *just* finished my first knitted, felted project. Literally, it is drying as I type this up. I am SO excited. This was my first major project I started when I was le
arning to knit about 6 months ago. Thanks to the motivators at the Ville, I have finished this. So, with out further ado, I give you The Sheep Tote.

Not sure what I am going to do with this now. Maybe send it off to my mum. She is trying to learn to knit too. It's hard to teach someone when they are 1000 miles away.

I also made some decent progress on a blue shawl that I am working on; yet another WIP. Pictures of that will come when I think it will turn out - hehe.

On a more personal note of what is going on with me - I have decided that I want to buy a new car. It's not that my current car is bad. I have a 2003 Ford Escape XLT. Not a bad SUV, but I want something that is going to give me more for my gas. Especially since it is predicted to get into the $4 range now. So, I went and checked out 3 vehicles: the Toyota Prius, the Nissan Altima Hybrid, and the Mercury Milan. I immediately ruled out the Milan - too big. So it was down to the Prius or the Altima. When it came to customer service, John - the Nissan guy, far surpassed anything I could ask for. And, Toyota really didn't seem to care if they had my business or not. And I was all for buying the Prius. But when you don't return my phone calls or emails - I really don't want to give you my business.

Moral of the story - customers are important!! So, tomorrow, I am going to be buying an Altima, not the hybrid, from John at O'Neil Nissan (I'll even give them a plug). I'll have pictures of the new car soon too!!

So, exciting day all around. Until next time.


Sunday, May 20, 2007

The beginning...

Welcome to my small part of the internet. Pull up a chair, relax, read - have some fun =)

I've decided that it's a good idea to put all of my craftiness into a small...diary if you see what I do, and show what I do. Since moving out to Pennsylvania from Wisconsin, I have really picked up the crochet and knitting needles and bring my skillset to a new level. I've really been working hard at getting my project difficulty up there. That being said, here is my first "show - and - tell."

My big sis from my sorority let me know about a month ago that her and her hubby were pregnant!!!! Being the good lil sis that I am - I whipped up a baby blanket for her. She's due in November - I finished the blanket last week. Haha, I was just so excited. This is a Tiramisu Baby Blanket. I used Lion Brand Pound of Love in Antique White.

Now I am working on getting all of my WIPs done. Not a huge list, but they are coming along. I've got a blue cardigan, a gray cardigan, a felted project bag, a 5 panel baby blanket, and reading shawls for Christmas gifts. I've joined the UFO CAL at the Ville to help me out with this. And the Christmas CAL to get me motivated to get all of my gifts ready to go.

I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that I get my first Jimbo crochet hook. If you're reading this - keep you paws off! =) No bidding until after 10 pm PST on Monday!!! lol.

Until next time, I'll keep you updated on my progress and any happenings that are going on this way. Thanks for reading.
